Some years ago, on a night out in Prague, I was introduced to a drink called a "Peacock's Eye". This was was made by taking a pint of lager, served in a glass tankard rather than a straight glass, and sinking a shot glass of creme de menthe in it - you then downed the whole think as quickly as possible. Needless to say, this got you rather wellied rather quickly. I last had one at my leaving do when I left for my sojourn in Canada in 1995, and I'm still reeling from its effects.
Fast forward to the run up to Easter, a week or two back, when I treated myself to a Cadbury's creme egg. Looking at it, all pristine in its red gold and blue, I was pondering that soul-searching question: how do I eat mine? Surely the point of a creme egg, according to the advertising, is to find your own favourite mode of consumption. I got the wrapper off and had a think about it while I scoffed it.
The thinking didn't get very far, and the egg was quickly gone, so I decided to make myself a nice milky coffee. And as I was sipping my home made latte, it occured to me. Why not make a Peacock's Eye, but substituting coffee and creme egg for lager and creme de menthe? Combining two tasty ingredients surely can't go wrong.... and the effect of a strong coffee combined with the sugar and cocoa might be ... interesting?
I decided to give this a try on the most appropriate day for such an experiment: Easter Sunday - when there is a legitimate excuse for ridiculous creme egg consumption. For posterity, and - should I accidently create a craze - proof, I documented the experiment photographically.

Step one: make a nice cup of milky coffee. Preferably in a Rocky Horror Show mug.

Step two: take your Creme Egg...

Step 3: Unwrap it, with one hand
Step 6: Enjoy......!
As this tasty treat includes coffee and chocolate together, and I'm a big fan of 70's disco hit "Lady Marmalade", I've decided to name it a "Mochachocolatteyaya". Please ask for this in Starbucks, just to see the look on their faces.... Happy Easter!
Fast forward to the run up to Easter, a week or two back, when I treated myself to a Cadbury's creme egg. Looking at it, all pristine in its red gold and blue, I was pondering that soul-searching question: how do I eat mine? Surely the point of a creme egg, according to the advertising, is to find your own favourite mode of consumption. I got the wrapper off and had a think about it while I scoffed it.
The thinking didn't get very far, and the egg was quickly gone, so I decided to make myself a nice milky coffee. And as I was sipping my home made latte, it occured to me. Why not make a Peacock's Eye, but substituting coffee and creme egg for lager and creme de menthe? Combining two tasty ingredients surely can't go wrong.... and the effect of a strong coffee combined with the sugar and cocoa might be ... interesting?
I decided to give this a try on the most appropriate day for such an experiment: Easter Sunday - when there is a legitimate excuse for ridiculous creme egg consumption. For posterity, and - should I accidently create a craze - proof, I documented the experiment photographically.
Step one: make a nice cup of milky coffee. Preferably in a Rocky Horror Show mug.

Step two: take your Creme Egg...

Step 3: Unwrap it, with one hand
Step 4: Carefully drop egg into coffee. It will sink to the bottom, so you need a spoon.
Step 5: Stir, and scoop up the egg. The chocolate shell will be going all lovely and gloopy...
Step 6: Enjoy......!
As this tasty treat includes coffee and chocolate together, and I'm a big fan of 70's disco hit "Lady Marmalade", I've decided to name it a "Mochachocolatteyaya". Please ask for this in Starbucks, just to see the look on their faces.... Happy Easter!