I have a new blog on Blogger (emmafork.blogspot.com) as, I've discovered, I can upload my photos directly from my phone to it. This is good as, for some reason, I can't mms or email photos. But I can blog them! so that's great!
so watch this space for lots of live updates and photos direct from the tour bus, backstage and the B&Bs as we take our wonky cabaret around some of the most beautiful parts of Scotland.
I've hotlinked the blog to my facebook page, so my facebook friends can keep updated and laugh at lots of silly photos of us mooning out of the bus, etc.
In the meantime: Here's the Tromolo dates:
Wed 9th April: Classic Grand, Glasgow
Friday 11th April: Harbour Arts, Irvine
Saturday 12th April: East Grange Loft, Forres
Tuesday 15th April: Aros Centre, Skye
Wednesday 16th April: Lyth Arts Centre, Wick
Thursday 17th April: Gable End Theatre, Orkney
Friday 18th April: British Legion, Lerwick, Shetland
Tuesday 22nd April: An Tobar, Tobermory, Mull
Thursday 24th April: Eden Court Theatre, Inverness
Special offer: turn up to see the show and receive a free pint! (ie, I'll buy you one ;-)